Monday, 23 January 2012

The Plan

I'm going to the Mediterranean in April to work on a yacht. Muchos excitement.

Here's the plan

  1. Book ticket to France
  2. Pay for ticket to France (eek)
  3. Complete yachting courses at the V & A Waterfront
  4. Pack entire life into tiny backpack
  5. FLY to London
  6. Visit Lara
  7. Fly to Nice
  8. Get a bus to Antibes
  9. Find a very cheap but very comfortable backpackers (oxymoron?)
  10. Go to the beach
  11. Have fun
  12. Get the train to Cannes, Monaco, Savona eeetc.
  13. Drink wine, eat croissants
  14. Oh, find a job
  15. Live glorious, extravagant lifestyle cruising around the Mediterranean (working, as a, ahem, stewardess,minor details, minor details)

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