Before I start, can I just say, you know the flavour
"tutti frutti", often a chewing gum flavour (not a fan), well, today... TODAY I found out why it's called that and YOU'RE about to find out too! Okay so I was on the train to Ventimiglia and the train man said "tutti stazione", which I gathered meant that the train was stopping at all the stations, so tutti means "all".
Then I got to the market and I saw a big sign saying
frutti next to a fruit stall
So, you guys, tutti frutti means "all fruit",
that's what that flavour is and that's why it's called that and I worked it out all. by. myself (I KNOW)
You are so, SO welcome
Amazing. AAAAAA-mayzing
(don't pretend you already knew what it meant, you totally did NOT)
So yes, I went to the Ventimiglia open-air market and it was lovely and colourful and all the things I love about Italy. My cute little camera came along too cos he comes EVERYwhere I go cos we're in love and I got one or two decent photos, I think. Had a few lightbulb moments with that too and I think I could be, coooould be improving.
Oh, and I'm flying to Kenya TOMORROW, I'm sorry, maybe you didn't hear me...
I'm completely packed and ready to go, I even have my train ticket. Oh, I do have a small problem though, here it is:
Big boat, tiny, narrow, steep slippery metal boarding ramp with no sides (basically a plank) going over the water for a few meters to the dock, and a massive, I mean ma-hoooosive 30kg (plus) bag and I'm on the boat by myself with no one to help me at 7am in the morning. Sounds funny, but seriously, it's a problem. Big problem. I will cry my eyes out for days, weeks nay YEARS if all falls in the water. Oh help