Saturday, 21 December 2013

Grinchy McGrincherton

At the risk of sounding very Grinchy, I'm sorry, but is Christmas not just the weirdest thing?! Seriously. All of a sudden, people start BUYING stuff, and you have to buy stuff too because other people are buying stuff and if you don't buy the stuff, well, you're a bit of a shite human. But what's with the lights and the sparkly decorations, and the lame songs about reindeers, it's bizarre, we've been SO brainwashed, we all just think that it's normal and we do it, it's a little scary when you think about it.

Don't get me wrong, I used to love Christmas, urmehgerd did I bloody LOVE Christmas, but now that I'm older, and wiser (and stuff) I'm a little disenchanted with the whole notion. Maybe it's just because I've been driving through Africa for the last two months and, bar the odd painful Mariah Carey take on "Santa Baby" and the token piece of tinsel on top of run-down supermarket tills, there wasn't much in the way of Christmas cheer. At the risk of sounding like a big old rah-rah martyr, you should SEE how happy a new pen makes a little kid in Malawi, I know this first hand after a 15 minute photoshoot I got roped into by a little boy who was pretty smitten with his pen and felt it necessary to document how awesome it was, from every angle, striking multiple poses and laughing hysterically at himself after he duly assesed every picture I took. You should see how much this one cutesie little cherub valued her little plastic action figure and bar of soap which she proudly carried in a bucket far too big for her tiny little three-year-old head (I have a picture of her that will quite literally melt your heart, little presh). When you think of all the money that people are spending on literally stuffing themselves to the gullet like turkeys on Christmas Day... vomit, seriously, gross. It's pretty sickening to see so much money being spent on silly decorations and ridiculous presents people buy that'll never be used purely because it's Christmas and they HAD to buy something, so much money gets spent at this time of year and for what, seriously, it's awful. Errr, so yeah, Merry CHRISTMAS you guys, ho ho and Santa and mince pies and everything yaaaay
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