So, I donno about you, but I'm pretty sure I qualify for sister of the year award. Despite being the newest employee of one of the biggest charter companies in the Delta, my sweet little pilot brother needs his older sister to help him set up his flat, poooor sausage. Well, that's my excuse for coming up here anyways. He absolutely NEEDED me to help him, can't be flying around the bush all day and setting up an awesome little house AT the same time. Now, don't want to be blowing my own trumpet, or anything, but if there's one thing that I do QUITE well, it's turn a house into a home, make a little nest, it's my forte, I'm the queen of it, no, I'm the BOSS of it (putting trumpet down).
I'm not sure if you've ever BEEN to Maun, but it's quite a, um, special place. Despite being the rainy season, there's not much rain and it's about 40 degrees in the shade. It's sandy and dry but it has quite a cool little charm about it and the sunsets that are OUT of this world. If you're in Maun, then you're either a tourist, a bush pilot, a lodge manager or a game ranger. Everyone drives around in 4x4s and there are some awesome little spots by the river to chill. Having said that, trying to set up a house is a bit of a challenge, what with my options being: Pep, Shoprite, Ellerines and Choppies. Despite that, this place is looking pretty sick, just WAIT 'til I'm finished. For my efforts... I'm getting a flight over the delta. He says just one, I reckon... one every DAY.