So, the baby elephant orphanage in Nairobi; if you like small, cute things.. you gotta go there, I'm telling you. About fifteen bitsy little ellies come running out to get fed some milk, they flap their little ears and splash around in the water, they throw dust all over the place and roll around and generally just stomp about being adorable for about an hour. You learn all about them and how they were rescued and you're allowed to give them a little pat if they come close enough to you. I had one of the staff from the camp put together a "special tour" for me, of course, at a very "special" price. It was his day off but he had his own car and was more than happy to play chauffeur. I'm pretty sure, no, DEFINITELY sure he overcharged me but he was hugely entertaining, he didn't drive like a mad man and was really funny. I asked him to teach me some Swahili while we were in the car and he took it very, VERY seriously, giving me an "exam" at the end of our day together. I passed with flying colours and got to share his coke with him as my reward, haha.
He also took me to see the giraffes, it was way touristy but I LOVE giraffes and as cheesy as it was, I absolutely could not pass up an opportunity to be right up close to the beautiful faces of one of my favourite animals. It was a good day, and if you're in Nairobi, just do it, even though it's super touristy. And if you don't, there's something wrong with you, a person who doesn't want to see adorable baby elephants and stroke giraffes on the face is absolutely not to be trusted.