Thursday, 21 November 2013
I've not blogged for so long, I don't even know where to start. We left Arusha this morning and are heading towards Dar. Spent the last couple of days in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater, saw some pretty epic things, show down between lions and hyenas, zebra being taken down, leopards, cubs, elephants, hippos, flamingos, caracals, jackals, a few donkeys, which were nice too (?)... it was beautiful. I had no choice but to join in on the "Masai Village Tour" which was cheesy as fook and I was cringing the entire time as they got all the mzungus to jump up and down and dance and then ripped the daylights off of us with their beaded things. I liked all the colours, and I learnt a few things so it was alright, but not again thanks. I can now put up and take down a tent like an absolute boss and I'm excellent at sitting down for very long periods of time. And Konyagi, you guys, other than the fact that they manufacture bottles with HOLES in the bottom, it's good stuff. Mix it with cold ginger beer and, like magic, the vile taste sort of disappears and goes down a treat on long drives. And goat, loves me a bidda goat these days. And red bananas. RED bananas. Pretty tired so that's all. By the way, did I tell you how much I loved Lamu, and how I could actually have stayed for a month with Mama Aliya, relaxing on the rooftop and exploring the narrow streets and sailing on dhows all afternoon, and eating coconut beans and chapati and seafood and taking photographs, yeah, I need to tell you about Lamu. Later.