"The Golden-rumped Elephant-shrew is a strange-looking animal which is thought to be distantly related to the aardvark and to elephants, hyraxes and sea cows."
Yeah, so that's what I'm doing tomorrow. Why would I be doing anything else but traipsing around forests looking for an animal with a description like THAT?! I'm going at the crack of dawn to the Arabuko-Sokoke forest, south of Malindi. I hear you can see loads of butterflies and near-endemic bird species and owls and squirrely things and other rare mammals (and the golden-rumped SHREW) and even elephants. So I'm going there. And then I'm going to the Gedi Ruins, I hear it's beautiful and mysterious and a great place to wander around with a camera.
I'll have to tell you about today's pike-piki adventures, tomorrow. Some pictures up on the right there...