You're all wondering where my proper photographs are, the ones I took with me shmancy new Canon, right? RIGHT?
Well, the thing is, along with not buying malaria tablets and other essentials like sunglasses, hats and walking shoes on a trip down Africa, I wasn't organised enough to download the full version of Lightroom to edit my photos, which would have been GREAT for 12 hour long bus trips. Winning. And I'm not the sort to just smack a few pics up without pouring over each and every one until it's perfect. I had the trial version, which is why I could put a few pictures up from Kenya... and then it ran out and I never really had wifi that was reliable enough to download the full version. SO, basically, what I'm saying, is hold tight, good people, it's downloading as we speak, I can't wait to put them up , I think I'm improving, but YOU be the judge. Stay tuned, keep checking my photography page, click on the tab at the top the end