I've had this weird thing happen a couple of times where people ask where I live and my answer is often a variation of "nowhere, really", and it's true, and it's a little weird, you should know where you live. Going back somewhere where everyone already has a predetermined opinion of you is a little scary, what if you've changed so much nobody gets you anymore? I feel like everyone expects me to be a certain way, they're all a little curious to see how i've changed, what I look like, they want to know what my next move is and what the bigger plan for the future is and I have absolutely no answers, for anyone. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to see everyone, but it's really scary too, so take it easy, no tricky questions or harsh judgements mmmkay. Alright I'm done, thanks for coming
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
I'm back
So, I'm finally back in South Africa, in Kruger, last day of my trip from Nairobi to Joburg. I always wondered what this day would be like and how I'd feel coming home after two years, and the verdict; really, really weird. The thing is, nobody knows me anymore. Fairly dramatic thing to say, but it's kind of true. I've moved around so much and met so many different people, I've experienced so much and changed even more, there's now absolutely nobody in this entire world that knows my story, that completely knows who I am and what I've seen and been through. Various people know a few things about me and they know the bits of my life that I've experienced with them and people back home know me as I was before I left, but nobody has the whole picture, and after so long, where do you even begin, just the idea of it seems daunting. Maybe that's what I like so much about traveling and going somewhere and being completely anonymous, nobody has to know your whole story, you choose who you want to be friends with, you can share with them as little or as much as you want, you can leave when you want, nobody expects anything of you and you get judged or liked (or not liked) based purely on the person you are at that very moment, and that's pretty cool, I like that.