Friday, 7 February 2014

This morning I woke up and decided to do a black and white photographic series on the derelict donkeys of Maun. I need to get a job, NOW. It is not normal to wake up and want to do that. Most people wake up and want to eat cornflakes, or go to gym, majority of people have to wake up and go to work (shem). Me? I want to chase donkeys around the dusty streets of Maun in 40 degree heat with my camera. I feel I should be concerned. I should be, right? Of course I should be. I'm going to have a shower, drink some coffee, and other normal people things, and then go shoot the donkeys. With my camera. Not with a gun. I don't have a gun. But even if DID, donkeys are friends. Oh, and how sweet it this; there's an organization here that's raising funds to put reflective tags on the donkeys ears so they can be seen at night on the road. That's pretty sweet. I like that. That's real nice. Viva la donkey
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