Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Do. Not. Panic

Uh, Cary, come here a second sunshine.

Yeeees Mr Captain?

Now, I don't want you to panic okay?


Well, you know I said there would probably only be max 6 guests?


Well. There are now... 17




*more silence*

WHAT?!! Noooooooooooooo. WHHHHY!!!??? NOOOOOO!!! No. No. No.

I said don't panic.

Okay. Sorry. Yes you did say that didn't you. Don't panic. Right. Got it.

Okay. So, ahem, 17 people you say? All wanting lunch?

Yes. And possibly dinner. And tea. And some of them might stay over and want breakfast. Or they could not come at all, they change their minds a lot.

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. But there are only 10 plates, and there's only one oven and we don't have enough drinks and and and and I've NEVER cooked for that many people. AND...


Sorry. I mean yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. yay. yayyayay YES

That's better.

We can do this. We. Are. A. TEAM

Yes Captain. There is no "I" in team is there?

No there is not, it's T.E.A.M

Okay, let's do this.


No, they're not. NO chip and dip.

Okay, no chip and dip. Maybe SOME chip and dip?

None what. So. Ever.

Okay. No chip and dip. Nuts?

YOU are nuts. That's who's nuts. RELAX.

Okay, I'm relaxed. Relaxed to the MAX. Relaxin' to the maxin' I am.

Don't relax too much. You have SEVENTEEN people to cook for. Baahahahaha.

You're mean. You're reeeeal mean.

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