Thursday, 21 June 2012

naughty cakes, and other troublesome things...

Now that I'm a full on cake GURU, I thought I'd try and impress the guests with my baking skills and bake not one, but TWO cakes: a lemon cake and a chocolate orange cake. Well, the lemon cake was a raging success and the chocolate orange cake, well, yeah, not so much.

Exhibit A

It actaully doesn't look TOO bad in this picture (or does it? ), it was MUCH worse in real life. I must have forgotten to add the flour, or turn the oven on (!), I donno, but it was bad.

Naughty cake! You make me CROSS

Other than naughty cakes making me cross, it's been a pretty chilled day, sat around all day in my brand new, beautifully ironed uniform waiting for the owners and their guests to come, and they never did, which is apparently quite normal. So I've turned the music off, taken in the flowers, brought in the cushions and I now have the afternoon off and am enjoying the calm before the storm that awaits tomorrow. Maybe I'll try making that cake again.
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