Monday, 7 April 2014

Sooooo, if one more person gets married, gets engaged, pushes a small human being out from inside of themselves I might have to say goodbye to Facebook, or, alternatively, do a serious cleanse of all the people who are my age and acting accordingly, like, what is WRONG with y'all? Just kidding, well done you guys, you all win at life. I should be off to the bush again in a few days and will most probably have zero comms. I will be living in a tent, taking bucket showers and talking codswallop to complete strangers all day. I win I win I win. Okay I'm off to buy serious, practical stuff, like ugly walking shoes and nerdy hats, mosquito repellent and chocolate. Just kidding. No chocolate. Chococlate isn't very practical, at ALL! My gosh. It gets all messy and melty (and delicious, omg SO delicious). Maybe just a little bit of chocolate. Fine, maybe a lot. No, none at all. I'm conflicted. This is my life. This is what I'm like. It's a bit of a bother. Chocolate, or no chocolate? Two children, or just the one screaming bundle of ball and chain, I mean joy, beautiful bundle of joy. What a twisted old prune I sound like. I actually LOVE babies, from a distance, dressed in cuddly penguin outfits rolling around the floor. Okay. Head torches. Over and out. 

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